days 379-382: trouble with Truth but God is moving!

thursday a week ago was...interesting, tough & encouraging all in one. sheri & i went to phandulwazi high for physical education, SCO (student christian organziation) & after-school english tutoring. PE classes went well & it was an easy day as the kids are so familiar with jump rope. SCO happens during their morning break, in the middle of our classes. the student leader, "A2" got up to share the Word, but really struggled in communicating Truth to the other students. he made several statements that were just not in line with Scripture. the local pastor who was in attendance didn't approach him, nor did the teacher who was also in the room. i share these things as a HUGE PRAYer request. one challenge we face continually is a struggle with Truth. many leaders have good hearts, are good people, but really struggle with being firmly rooted in God's Word.

"A1" - who is the student interested in church but not yet ready to fully commit to Jesus was there. i PRAY she is following God's lead - NOT the lead of man. i got to have a great conversation with her later that day & was able to give her a new Bible - her first. she'd been reading from her mom's xhosa Bible & was struggling to understand. we talked much & planned again to try to go to church together on sunday. she was so excited - so was i!

saturday, a local english-speaking church youth group (where the erickson fam attend) hosted a day camp at one of the xhosa-speaking churches with which we work. the youth group had prepared for 50 kids; 117 showed up & packed into the one-room shack. was fun for me to sit back & love on some little ones :)
later that afternoon, i met with 4 girls from langa high to study the Word. the stories are endless as God is continuing to draw more & more learners in to dig deep. while i'm more exhausted physically, my heart is more encouraged each day! PRAY with us for perseverance - please! it is by His strength alone that His work is accomplished. it is nothing of ourselves!

sunday, just before i walked out the door to go pick up "A1" for church, she called. her mom wouldn't allow her out as it was her brother's birthday. "A1" expressed great disappointment. i, too, was disappointed & thought, "africa wins again" but was reminded later by a fellow team member - "maybe so, but God is bigger than africa!!"continue in PRAYer with us for "A1" to connect with a local church body & for the Lord to move her heart in His time into a relationship with Him.

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