days 462-463: "long live the king"

well, wednesday & thursday of last week we returned to langa & phandulwazi high schools! great to be back with the older youth!

wednesday we reconnected with the Student Christian Organization (SCO) at langa high (students who meet during morning break for time of worship together). there, we connected with a lady who has recently stepped up as somewhat of an adult leader. she shared a bit from the Word with those who attended & we just briefly were able to speak with her & exchange contact information before the bell rang for the next class. sensing very much the Lord's desire for us to PRAY for "N" & to pursue spending some more time getting to know her story & heart for youth. would you join us PRAYing in this way??

thursday was quite the day as well as all of south africa celebrated nelson mandela's (or "madiba" as they call him) 95th birthday. not familiar with his story? ashamed to admit that i wasn' here's a brief run through for those of you who (like me apparently) live under a rock:
- born here in s. africa.
- one of the most well-known anti-apartheid activists in the country
- jailed in 1964 on robben island for leading movement against apartheid & taking a stand for human rights, freedom, equality, justice
- in prison for 27 years
- after being released, he continued his efforts
- nobel peace prize in '93
- elected first black president & served '94-'99
- currently in critical condition

since mandela is said to have fought for social justice for 67 years, people all over the country were encouraged on that day to take 67 minutes & give back - to "embrace the values he shared." so when we drove onto campus thursday of last week, we were stopped outside the gate. the students & teachers were all standing in the parking lot, observing 67 minutes of silence, broken soon after we arrived by singing the national anthem. "SOUTH AFRICA! LONG LIVE MADIBA!" they continually shouted with great pride as they headed to class.

reading through i samuel this week with that visual picture not long gone, the Lord has been reminding me of those in the OT who continually requested/demanded & even celebrated earthly kings. many times they'd voice out something similar - "long live the king!" (i sam. 10:24, ii sam. 16:16, i kings 1:25, 34, 39, ii kings 11:12...just to name a few) while tempted to come down pretty hard on them for rejecting God's leadership, we do the same thing every day don't we? maybe we don't seek out & bow down to that in the form of another human being...or maybe we do...but i've been challenged to look hard at my own life. are there things or people who i've sought out, demanded or even celebrated more than i've sought out or celebrated HIM?

pressed to PRAY for a passionate pursuit of the KING of KINGS to stir in my own heart & the hearts of those here in south africa. so again, would you join in PRAYer here!? :)

thanking Him for those who've faithfully fought for peace, equality, justice, etc...
but remembering that HE is the One who has already conquered it all. HE is the one whom we celebrate! and HE Lives!

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