day 550: 56-day RECAP

yes - it's been 56 days since i've updated has been CRAZY! it's overwhelming to sit down & attempt to articulate all that the Lord is doing. so here's a "brief," chronological fly-by (LOADED with pics to keep it interesting) of the last 2 months!! [if you're receiving this via email, the file size may be too large so check out the actual webpage link HERE!]

- our team leaders celebrated 25 years of marriage & were able to get away for a few weeks. we got to spend some time watching their girls, playing mom & dad, while continuing with ministry as well. great time of fellowship with these MKs (missionary kids) who've very much become our sisters.
little "M" & her dog skyping with Mom & Dad while they were away
- during that time, we ran a 5K called "blisters for bread." registration was less than the equivalent of $5 a person & the money from each person who ran covered the cost of feeding 21 children

- we finished term 3 well with the grade 6 kids celebrating all the Scripture they'd memorized. we sat outside & had quite the audience of people listening to these students study & recite God's Word. 7 of the 20 memorized all 6 verses this term!
"U" who i found outside studying His verses before club...
it's been incredible to watch him grow over the last year & a half.
God is definitely working in this young man's life...
but he's yet to profess faith in Christ.
would you join us in PRAYing?

- my granddaddy, who many of you have been PRAYing for, celebrated his 81st birthday & about a month later FINALLY went home!! still on a feeding tube, but no longer in a hospital - where he'd been since june 10th.
birthday cake made from t-shirts, suckers & chewing gum
- whale watching & rainbows galore...evidence of our Creator & Promise Keeper!!

- Student Christian Organization (SCO) Leadership Training #2 (Great student walked a long, dangerous road to get there, too! Praise the Lord for safety & well as a sweet time of worship & fellowship, studying assurance of salvation & unity of the Body.)

check out the rest of the pics from that day by clicking HERE!!
- a fun "family" time visiting the lion park in drakenstein. slept in a tent camp while the lions roared all night! beautiful, majestic of the many pictures of our God - the Lion & the Lamb!

- met up with 2 teachers outside of school during the school holiday time. both were great times of fellowship that opened doors to get to know them more intimately, meet their children, hear their stories & ask spiritual questions.

- SCO training #3 (another great turnout! incredible time of worship & prayer led by the students. emphasis this time was on being filled with the Spirit & looking at the different spiritual gifts. encouraging to see the learners from different communities forming strong friendships - truly a picture of HIS BODY!)

check out the rest of the pics from this day by clicking HERE!!
- great start to term 4 last week. would you PRAY with us over the remaining 5 weeks as we teach about HIV/AIDs with the grade 6 learners? we also had a great start to after-school club. the 7 who memorized all the verses are beginning a study on abraham & isaac that challenges them to be in God's Word everyday for a few minutes.

- after an awesome morning of worship, we took advantage of the beautiful day & hiked lion's head as a team. an encouraging start to week 2 of the last school term of the year! :)

if you're on facebook, i keep all my pics updated there! what's here is just a glimpse! check out the albums by clicking HERE!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

a blessing just to read <3

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